Monday, February 4, 2013

outline notes for Monday, Feb 4

Chapter 13-- lecture outline for today...

Defined Terms
22nd amendment, impeachment, Watergate, twenty-fifth amendment, 

p. 399, list some UNOFFICIAL roles of the president…
what is the changing view of weak vs. strong president…
what is the changing role of the VP

discuss defined terms:
cabinet, nsc, cea, omb,
Can the president appoint anyone he wants to cabinet? Why or why not?

Contrast  the leadership styles of Carter and Reagan.
Why is the white house staff increasingly important.

What is the changing role of the First lady?

discuss defined terms : Veto, pocket veto

What are challenges president has in getting a bill passed?

Tables 13.6 and 13.7 – Compare and Contrast.  Describe the idea of coat-tails, and the reality.

What is the role of the president as chief diplomat?
Commander in chief, and changing  role of president.
Discuss defined terms: Warpowers resolution, legislative veto, crisis

Figure 13.3 Why do you think Clinton’s presidential approval increased?
13.4 GW Bush approval? What stands out about it, and his history?

Essays to outline today, and for tomorrow.
1)   Presidential approval ratings fluctuate over the course of each presidential administration.

a)    Identify  two factors that decreast presidential approval ratings, and explain why each factor has that effect.
b)   Identify two factors that increase presidential approval ratings, and explain why each factor has that effect.

2)   Citizens often choose to participate in the political process in other ways than voting
a.     Identify two forms of participation in the political process other than voting.
b.     Explain two advantages of each form of participation you identified in (a).

3) Both party leadership and committees in Congress play key roles in the legislative process. a) Define two of the following elements of the congressional committee system and explain how each influences the legislative process.
     1 Specialization
     2 Reciprocity/logrolling
     3 Party representation on committees
b) Identify two ways party leadership in Congress can influence the legislative process, and explain how each way influences the process

4)Presidents are Generally thought to have advantages over Congress in Conducting foreign policy because of the formal and informal powers of the presidency.

a. Identify two formal powers of the president in making foreign policy.
b. Identify two formal constitutional powers of Congress in making foreign policy.
c. Identify two informal powers of the President that contribute to the President’s advantage over Congress in conducting foreign policy.
d. Explain how each of the informal powers identified in © contributes to the President’s advantage over Congress in conducting foreign policy.
(c) Morrison Luke Smith

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