Tuesday, January 28, 2014




IF we all finish today, we will take our Final essay question TODAY.
Otherwise, we will take it Monday, and Test corrections will be done Monday, and Tuesday.

There will be a 3 point curve on this test.
Notes for Chapter 7,8,11 will be checked Monday.
Test corrections will be dependent on completed notes.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

this is the essay that is not on the test.

2009_3In the United States Congress, the majority party exerts a substantial influence over lawmaking. However, even when one party has a numerical majority in each chamber of the United States Congress, there is no guarantee that legislation supported by that majority party will be passed by both chambers. Rules of each chamber independently influence the likelihood that legislation will pass in that chamber; legislation passed by one chamber is not always passed by the other.

(a)  Describe two advantages the majority party in the United States House of Representatives has in lawmaking, above and beyond the numerical advantage that that majority party enjoys in floor voting.

(b)  Describe two differences between House and Senate rules that may make it likely that legislation may pass in one chamber but not in the other.

(c)  Explain how the differences identified in (b) can lead to the passage of a bill in one chamber but not in the other.

Friday, January 17, 2014


Cool illusion.

North Korea Blog Post



Read the above article.  Find ONE more Article.

Using internet, Brief History of North Korea since WW2. (1-2 Paragraphs)
Summary of Current state of affairs in Korea (1-2 paragraphs)
Do you think there will be regime change/ state change/ Neither/ Both? (It's what the movie was about) and why (1 paragraph).

Cite the Frontline, The above article, The article you find, and your sources for the brief history of North Korea.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Key Dates

Week of January 14th    --    Finish Songs --  (10 points)
Week of January 14th    --    Watch North Korea Frontline, and  Blog Post (10 points)
Week of January 21       --    Finish Chapter 7, Note check, and Power Point  (15 points)
Week of January 21       --    Watch Health Care Frontline, and Blog Post (10 points If Time Permits)
Friday, Jan 24                --    Question 1 and 2 (If time permits) (20 points total)
Monday, Jan 27th        --    2nd essay question (if necessary)
Tues, Jan 28th        --    Final, Periods 1 and 3 (60 points)
Wednesday, Jan 29        --    Study hall, Blog revision time.
Thursday, Jan 30        --    Period 4 Final
Friday, Jan 31        --    No School; Make up Day for finals
Monday, Feb 2        --    Test Corrections (1/2 point back)

Monday, January 13, 2014

Chapter 7 part something.

Chapter 7
answer through first ten pages

1. What was Gore’s Senior thesis?
2. What was LBJ’s TV. Who was LBJ?
3. Define High-tech politics
4. Define Mass media.
5. Define Media event? Example.
6. Campaign spending and presidential ads?
7. Describe ‘America in perspective?’
8. What were Reagan’s 7 principles.
9. Define press conference
10. Hoover v. FDR on press.
11. Change in relationship of press and president (ex).
12. Investigative journalism.
13. Change in positive / negative references about Presidents (specific)
14. Print media
15. Broadcast media
16. What is yellow journalism. Be specific?
17. Describe fig. 7.1 and explain it’s consequences?
18. Broadcast media and Nixon?
19. Broadcast and Vietnam?
20. 3 ways the FCC regulates the airwaves?
21. What is narrowcasting?
22. How will it affect information about politics?
23. What is the possible result of growing inequality of political information?
24. What accounts for the diversity of American media sources?
25. What is happening to the news quality?
26. What are beats?
27. What are trial balloons?
28. Discuss embedded media.
29. Why is news superficial?
30. Def soundbite?
31. What’s the trend in political coverage?
32. Describe Fig 7.2
33. Evidence of bias in the media.
34. Talking Head?
35. Table 7.2
36. Define policy agenda
37. Policy entrepreneur
38. Media and scope of Govt?
39. Individualism and the media?

Essay 10

2006-1 While interest groups and political parties each play a significant role in the United States political system, they differ in their fundamental goals.
(a) Identify the fundamental goal of interest groups in the political process.
(b) Identify the fundamental goal of major political parties in the political process
(c) Describe two different ways by which interest groups support the fundamental goal of political parties in the political process
(d) For one of the forms of support you described in (c), explain two different ways in which that form of support helps interest groups to achieve their fundamental goal in the political process.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Grades Remaining for term

Grades before Christmas Break:
1st blog check (done)
2nd blog check (done)

Holiday song - 10 pts
3rd blog check (4, essays, 2 other things, TBD) 30-40 pts
3rd Note Check (7,11,8) 10-15 pts
Essay Quiz -20 points
Unit Test, 7,8,11 - 50-60 ponts
Another blog post / creative assignment to balance grade book : 10 points...

Extra Credit Opportunity:  Award will based on your efforts, but usually can raise a grade by 2-3%.  Please don't ask for more than that.  Select a book with me, read book.  Analyze and assess book.  Approximately 750 words. If you want to do this, must select with me by mid January, and turn in on day grades are due.

Chapter 11

CH 11
Review Questions

1. Paradox about lobbying?
2. Def. interest groups.
3. Def. Pluralist theory
4. Define elite theory
5. Define Hyperpluralist theory
6. Explain what pluralist theorists offer as a Group theory of politics?
7. How do elite theorists criticize pluralism
8. Discuss ‘corporatization’
9. Summarize elitist view (bullets).
10. Discuss / summarize Figure 11.1
11. Define subgovernment
12. Define iron triangle.
13. Who is Theodore Lowi
14. What Is Hyperpluralism
15. Summarize the Hyperpluralist position on group politics;
16. What factors affect the power of an interest group.
17. Why are large groups often ineffective.
18. Review Table 11.1
19. Define Potential group
20. Define actual group
21. Define collective good
22. Define free-rider problem
23. Define Olson’s law of large groups.
24. Define selective benefits.
25. Why is aarp so powerful?
26. Define single interest group.
27. What is a major indictment of the American interest group?
28. Explain the political cartoon on p. 333. P.331 in old book.
29. Disuss increase in interest groups. (page 11.3)
30. Reasons for explosion in number of interest groups
31. Define Lobbying
32. 2 types of lobbyists
33. How are lobbyists beneficial
34. Effectiveness of lobbying?
35. Why is it difficult to nail down the effectiveness of lobbyists?
36. What is electionerring?
37. What is a PAC?
38. How much PAC money to house incumbents in 1999-00/
39. How does litigation help an interest group?
40. What is an amicus curiae brief?
41. What is Regents of the UC v. Bakke?
42. What is a class action lawsuit?
43. How do interest groups market their reputation (ex).
44. List 4 important clusters of interest groups.
45. Def union shop
46. Define right to work law.
47. What is the largest interest group? 2nd largest?
48. Role of business in interest groups?
49. Goals of environmental groups? Their opponents?
50. Equality interests
51. Def. NAACP.
52. Brown v. board
53. Def. NOW.
54. Def ERA
55. PHillis Schlafly
56. De. Public interest Lobby
57. Ralph Nader
58. Which political theory would Madison adhere to?
59. Elite theory and PACS?
60. Hyperpluralists and PACS?
61. Interest groups and scope of government? Give examples.

Sunday, January 5, 2014


2005_4The U.S. Congress has debated a variety of campaign finance reforms over the last decade.  The proposals debated have included the following:

Eliminating soft money
Limiting independent expenditures
Raising limits on individual contributions

a.    Select one of the listed proposals and do all of the following:
-Define the proposal
-Describe an argument that proponents make in favor of the proposal
-Describe an argument that opponents make against the proposal.

b.    Select a different listed proposal and do all of the following:
-Define the proposal
-Describe an argument that proponents make in favor of the proposal
-Describe an argument that opponents make against the proposal.

c. (you will have to research this separately).  Explain how citizens united affects the proposals you listed.

2009_3In the United States Congress, the majority party exerts a substantial influence over lawmaking. However, even when one party has a numerical majority in each chamber of the United States Congress, there is no guarantee that legislation supported by that majority party will be passed by both chambers. Rules of each chamber independently influence the likelihood that legislation will pass in that chamber; legislation passed by one chamber is not always passed by the other.

(a)  Describe two advantages the majority party in the United States House of Representatives has in lawmaking, above and beyond the numerical advantage that that majority party enjoys in floor voting.

(b)  Describe two differences between House and Senate rules that may make it likely that legislation may pass in one chamber but not in the other.

(c)  Explain how the differences identified in (b) can lead to the passage of a bill in one chamber but not in the other.

DATA for 2009_4 (below)
Viewer’s Ages and Frequency of Viewing of Network Nightly News: 1974 and 2002 Combined
1974                  frequently (%)                    rarely (%)
18-29                  45                                                  13
30-44                  50                                                 12
45-64                  68                                                  8
65+                      71                                                  5

2002                 frequently (%)                    rarely (%)
18-29                  19                                                  22
30-44                  22                                                17
45-64                  40                                                  11
65+                      53                                                  8

2009_4. One of the most important ways the news media influence politics is through agenda setting.
(a)  Define policy agenda.

(b)  Explain how the national news media engage in agenda setting.

(c)  Explain the primary reason the president tends to have an advantage over Congress in gaining media attention.

(d)  Consider the table above.
-Describe the difference in the viewing patterns of older and younger age-groups.
-Describe the change from 1974 to 2002 in viewing habits that exists for all age categories.

(e)  Given the information in the table, describe one implication for presidents in their use of the media to promote their political and policy objectives to the American public.