Sunday, April 28, 2013

TUESDAY: Begin Review.

Thursday (Updated). Go to library-- I'll put a note on the door.
CHAPTERS 6, 9, 10.


Assignment: Create a Unit quiz with 10 multiple choice questions, and 1 FRQ from 2002-2012.  By all means, feel free to download the questions before class.

UNIT 2 quiz and grading: 5pts
Unit one is based on Chapters 1-3.  Make a quiz.  Make a key, and make Rubric.  Due at end of class.

1) 10 Mult. Choice Questions. Find 10 "actual online AP Government and Politics Multiple choice Questions" From a "released  AP Gov and Politics Exam."  Links are posted above. Or use my test copies, and type 'em up. Must be released AP Gov Exam questions.

 Multiple Choice Test LInks.

2) 1 FRQ, with rubric. Draw from 1999-2002, or from 2010-2012 (relationship to this unit a plus).

Done at end of period, or start of class wednesday: It's fine if you assign accountabilities, and it is OK if not an elegant document (separate pages with 2-3 questions on them are fine).
Either at the end of class Tuesday, or Wednesday, Exchange, take quiz, grade.  Start 2nd Unit.

Groups of 1-4. 5 points. We'll be doing similar review activities over next 2 weeks leading to test. May mix it up with review games, jeopardy, etc., the

Also, 1-2 more practice Multiple Choice tests.  If you're taking test, probably best to do it in a smaller group, but it's your decision.

 Mr. Smith.

PS: In news of the weird, Kim Jong-Un has created a "miniature world".  Put on your big boy pant's Un.

Saturday, April 27, 2013


frq's we have outlined, and 4 that I will choose from for tomorrow.

2003 1,2,3,4
2004 1,2,3,4
2006-1,2,3, 4
2005 1,2, 3
2007 1, 2, 3
2008 1,2,3,4
2009 1

2008-4.    “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.”
-Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, 1870

Despite the ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment, voter turnout among African American citizens was very low throughout the first half of the twentieth century.

Over the past 50 years, civil rights policies have changed substantially, along with a significant increase in African American voter turnout.

a.    Explain how two measures taken by some states prior to the1960s affected voter      turnout among African Americans.

b.    Facing discrimination at the voting booth, many African American citizens turned to alternative forms of political participation. Describe two alternative forms of participation that helped bring about changes in civil rights policies.

c.     Choose one of the forms of participation you described in (b) and explain why it was effective in changing civil rights policies.

2006-4 The framers of the United States Constitution created a legislative system that is bicameral. However, it is not just bicameral; the framers also established two houses of distinctly different character and authority.

1. Discuss two reasons why the framers created a bicameral legislature.

2. Identify one power unique to the House of Representatives and explain why the framers gave the House that power.

3. Identify one power unique to the Senate and explain why the framers gave the Senate that power.

2005-3 Initially, the U.S. Constitution did little to protect citizens from actions of the states.  In the 20th Century, the Supreme Court interpreted the Constitution to protect the rights of citizens from state governments in a process referred to as incorporation.

Define selective incorporation.

For two of the following, explain how each has been incorporated.  Each of your explanations must be based on a specific and relevant Supreme Court decision:

-Rights of criminal defendants
-First Amendment
-Privacy rights

2007-2  The First Amendment includes two clauses relating to the freedom of religion.

a. Select one of the following cases and identify the First Amendment clause upon which the United States Supreme Court based its decision.

- Engel v. Vitale (school prayer)
- Lemon v. Kurtzman (state funding for private religious schools)

b. Describe the Supreme Court’s decision in the cases that you selected in a.

c. Select one of the following cases and identify the First Amendment clause upon which the United States Supreme Court based its decision.

- Reynolds v. United States (polygamy)

- Oregon v. Smith (drug use in religious ceremonies)

- Describe the Supreme Court’s decision in the cases that you selected in c.

e. Many of these decisions have caused controversy in the United States. Describe two ways in which other political institutions might limit the impact of Supreme Court decisions.


FRQ postponed until Wednesday.
Will be drawn from the 4 presented yesterday, and possibly from these 2:

2007-4 The framers of the United States Constitution created a federal system.

(a) Define federalism.

(b) Select two of the following and explain how each has been used to increase the power of the federal government relative to the states.
• Categorical grants
• Federal mandates
• Selective incorporation

(c) Select two of the following and explain how each has been used to increase the power of the states relative to the federal government.
• Welfare Reform Act of 1996
• Block grants
• Tenth Amendment


In the United States political system, there are several linkage institutions that can connect citizens to government Elections constitute one such institution. Because of low voter turnout, however, other linkage institutions can connect citizens to government.

a. Describe how each of the following is related to the likelihood of voting.



b. Identify one current government electoral requirement that decreases voter turnout. Explain how it decreases voter turnout.

c. Identify one linkage institution other than elections and explain two ways it connects citizens to government.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Start Chapter 5.
Read 6-8 pages of material, and answer relevant questions.

Define Civil Rights
What are the key types of inequality in America
What did Jefferson mean by equality?
14th Amendment
Equal protection of the laws
is reasonable classification allowed? examples
inherently suspct classifications? examples
What is the gray area? examples?
3 Eras of racial equality?
Scott Sandford?
13th Amendment?
Plessy v. Ferguson?
Jim Crow Laws?
Brown v. Board?
Alex v Holmes Co.
De Jure
De Facto?
Have schools integrated? evidence?
Civil Rights Act of 1964
15th Amendment
19th Amendment
26th Amendment
Poll Tax
24th Amendment
White Primary
Voting rights act of 1965
What are the standards for creating a voting district.
Reed v Reed
Craig v. Boren
Comparable Worth
Age discrimination
Gay and Lesbian Rights
Affirmative action
UC v. Bakke

Answer the following
What is the purpose of affirmative action programs.   Analyze arguments for and against the use of affirmative action in public and private sector.

Thursday, April 4, 2013


2008-1) Congressional reapportionment and redistricting are conducted every ten years. When redistricting is conducted, politicians often engage in gerrymandering.
(a) Define congressional reapportionment and explain one reason why it is important to states.
(b) Define congressional redistricting.
(c) Explain two goals of politicians when they gerrymander during redistricting.
(d) Describe two limits that the United State Supreme Court has placed on congressional redistricting.

2008-2)A number of factors enable presidents to exert influence over Congress in the area of domestic policy. However, presidents are also limited in their influence over domestic policymaking in Congress.

-The Constitution grants the president certain enumerated powers. Describe two of these formal powers that enable the president to exert influence over domestic policy.

-Choose two of the following. Define each term and explain how each limits the president’s ability to influence domestic policy making in Congress.
*Mandatory spending
*Party polarization
*Lame-duck period

2008-3) Fiscal policy and monetary policy are two tools used by the federal government to influence the United States economy. The executive and legislative branches share the responsibility of setting fiscal policy. The Federal Reserve Board has the primary role of setting monetary policy.

-Define fiscal policy.
-Describe one significant way the executive branch influences fiscal policy.
-Describe one significant way the legislative branch influences fiscal policy.
-Define monetary policy.
-Explain two reasons why the Federal Reserve Board is given independence in establishing monetary policy.

2009-1) In The Federalist paper number 10, James Madison expressed concern over the possibility that both majority and minority factions would have too much power over government, and he presented ways of minimizing that danger. The United States Constitution established a democratic government but also contained several provisions that limited majority rule. Throughout the next two centuries, the role of majority rule in the United States government and politics continued to change.

Identify the part of the national government that was originally most closely tied to citizens and explain how it was tied to citizens.

-Explain two ways the United States constitution limited majority rule.
-Choose two of the following twentieth-century developments and explain how each moved the United States from a less democratic system to a more democratic system.

*Primary elections
*The Seventeenth Amendment
*Expansion of suffrage