Friday, January 25, 2013

Chapter 13

you should be through the first 12 pages of the chapter by tuesday.

1. How are Americans of 2 minds regarding the presidency?
2. Anecdote of president?
3. Qualifications for president?
4. Worst president?
5. 22nd amendment?
6. Define impeachement?
7. Watergate?
8. 25th amendment?
9. Should president have been convicted?
10. Summarize powers of the president?
11. Describe expansion of Power of President?
12. Perspectives on presidential power?
13. Imperial presidency?
14. Choice of VP?
15. Spiro Agnew?
16. Cabinet?
17. NSC
18. CEA
19. OMB
20. White house staff.
a. Hierarchical
b. Whell and spokes
21. Summarize first lady
22. Chief Legislator
23. Veto
24. Pocket veto
25. Party bonds
26. Slippage in Party Support
a. Boll weevile
27. boll weevil
28. Leading the party
29. Presidential Coat tails
30. Mid term elections and coat tails (describe table 13.6, 13.7)
31. Public approval
32. Mandate
33. Describe bargaining
34. Role of president as chief diplomat
35. CIC (how has it changed).
36. War Powers resolution
37. Legislative Veto
38. Crisis
39. 2 presidencies.
40. Public Preisiden?
41. Approval rating
42. Honeymoon period

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