Friday, September 20, 2013

'up doc

2.5 weeks in...
If you're reading this, it means you're checking the blog.   Always a good thing.  I'm very excited about my classes this year -- skills and knowledge seem high, and I'm seeing some interest in the material.

Upcoming events:
Ch 1,2,3 test on about Oct 4.  We'll refine it as we get a little closer.
Are you comfortable with the material?  Check in with me in class if you ever have question.

Creating Discussion:
Mainly for my sleepy first period class, but applies for all.  I want and need y'all to try to participate; ask questions, take the mild risk of making an incorrect answer;  perhaps I'm asking the question wrong-- but I can't know unless you chat a little bit.  Our classes are small enough that the opportunity to chat as an entire group is one to take advantage of:  I am aware that speaking in front of people is scary; we'll keep working on it.

Survey results:
GET THEM INTO THE SPREAD SHEET!!!!!  (email me this weekend if you lost the url, I'll email it back).

Have a great weekend.

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