Tuesday, April 17, 2012

gov prompts

1. Asignificant feature of the electoral college is that most states have a winner-take-allsystem.
(a) Describe the winner-take-all feature of the electoral college.
(b) Explain one way in which the winner-take-all feature of the electoral college affects how presidential candidates from the two major political parties run their campaigns.
(c) Explain one way in which the winner-take-all feature of the electoral college hinders third-party candidates.
(d) Explain two reasons why the electoral college has not been abolished.

2. The First Amendment includes two clauses relating to the freedom of religion.
(a) Select one of the following cases and identify the First Amendment clause upon which the United States Supreme Court based its decision.
• Engel v. Vitale (school prayer)
• Lemon v. Kurtzman (state funding for private religious schools)
(b) Describe the Supreme Court’s decision in the case that you selected in (a).
(c) Select one of the following cases and identify the First Amendment clause upon which the Supreme Court based its decision.
• Reynolds v. United States (polygamy)
• Oregon v. Smith (drug use in religious ceremonies)
(d) Describe the Supreme Court’s decision in the case that you selected in (c).
(e) Many of these decisions have caused controversy in the United States. Describe two ways in which other political institutions might limit the impact of Supreme Court decisions.

3. Conflicts between Congress and the President over war powers have their origin in the United States Constitution. In 1973 Congress passed the War Powers Resolution in an attempt to clarify the balance of powers between the two branches of government.
(a) Describe the primary constitutional conflict between Congress and the President over the decision to go to war.
(b) Describe two provisions of the War Powers Resolution that were designed to limit the President’s power over war making.
(c) The War Powers Resolution has received mixed reviews, but Congress has other powers over war making. Other than the constitutional power that you described in (a), identify and explain two other formal powers Congress has over war making.

4.The framers of the United States Constitution created a federal system.
(a) Define federalism.
(b) Select two of the following and explain how each has been used to increase the power of the federal government relative to the states.
• Categorical grants
• Federal mandates
• Selective incorporation
(c) Select two of the following and explain how each has been used to increase the power of the states relative to the federal government.
• Welfare Reform Act of 1996
• Block grants
• Tenth Amendment

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