Thursday, February 20, 2014

Chapter 14 Questions

Chapter 14 Questions

1.     Budget
2.     Deficit
3.     Expenditures
4.     Revenues
5.     Income tax
6.     16th amendment
7.     Explain fig 14.1
8.     What is a progressive tax
9.     What is a flat tax
10.  Federal debt
11.  Government bonds
12.  Why might our gov have taxes
13.  Tax loophole
14.  Perot loophole
15.  Tax expenditure
16.  Tax reduction
17.  Put ‘America in perspective’. (Chart)
18.  How has federal budget grown?
19.  How big is US Gov. relative to western nations.
20.  How did
21.  Cold War raise budget?
22.  Military industrial complex?
23.  How have defense expenditures varied?
24.  What are large components of defense budgets?
25.  Biggest slice of budget pie?
26.  Social Security Act?
27.  Medicare?
28.  Payer to payee ratio for Social Security?
29.  Possible Solutions?
30.  Figure 14.5
31.  What is incrementalism?
32.  Are all budgets incremental?
33.  Uncontrollable expenditure?
34.  Entitlement?
35.  Budget and Lasswell?
36.  What are the stakes?
37.  What are the strategies?
38.  Who are the players?
39.  House wasy and means committee
40.  Senate Finance Committee?
41.  Budget and Accounting Act
42.  24. OMB
43.  25. Power of the Purse
44.  26. Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control act of 1974
45.  27. CBO
46.  28. Budget resolution
47.  29. Reconciliation
48.  30. Authorization Bill
49.  31. Appropriations bill
50.  32. Did the 1974 reforms work
51.  33. Continuing Resolutions
52.  34. Gramm-Rudman-Hollings
53. 35. How does ‘democracy’ affect budget?

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