Saturday, March 16, 2013

OHP vs. Medicaid

OHP is oregon's medicaid.  If you are interested read these articles.  Not being an expert, it appears that Oregon Health Plan is 'medicaid plus.'  Oregon had to get a waiver from the Federal Government to get the OHP.

You can certainly find some articles arguing the efficacy of OHP.  Both sides are defensible.  Please feel free to research.

For the purposes of our class, understand that medicaid is the federal program for low income clients.  That is as far as you need to go.  It is means tested.  OHP is a more experimental program, involving significantly more state involvement, with the effort to incorporate a number of programs.

I think it's really interesting: But for our essays, and tests, let's focus on the following:
Medicare=old people, entitlement
medicaid= means tested (sometimes mistakenly called an entitlement)

Challenges to such care: funding, rising costs, and for medicare, same issues as Social Security.

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