Wednesday, February 26, 2014

annotated bibliography

Cool video 
Cool Video Bouncy House

Work on essays 11 and 12;

and, work on your

Annotated Bibliography
Source one: The frontline we watched on 'the spill.'

Source two: 
read or watch; your choice
Source three: your choice, something about the oil industry

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Chapter 14 Questions

Chapter 14 Questions

1.     Budget
2.     Deficit
3.     Expenditures
4.     Revenues
5.     Income tax
6.     16th amendment
7.     Explain fig 14.1
8.     What is a progressive tax
9.     What is a flat tax
10.  Federal debt
11.  Government bonds
12.  Why might our gov have taxes
13.  Tax loophole
14.  Perot loophole
15.  Tax expenditure
16.  Tax reduction
17.  Put ‘America in perspective’. (Chart)
18.  How has federal budget grown?
19.  How big is US Gov. relative to western nations.
20.  How did
21.  Cold War raise budget?
22.  Military industrial complex?
23.  How have defense expenditures varied?
24.  What are large components of defense budgets?
25.  Biggest slice of budget pie?
26.  Social Security Act?
27.  Medicare?
28.  Payer to payee ratio for Social Security?
29.  Possible Solutions?
30.  Figure 14.5
31.  What is incrementalism?
32.  Are all budgets incremental?
33.  Uncontrollable expenditure?
34.  Entitlement?
35.  Budget and Lasswell?
36.  What are the stakes?
37.  What are the strategies?
38.  Who are the players?
39.  House wasy and means committee
40.  Senate Finance Committee?
41.  Budget and Accounting Act
42.  24. OMB
43.  25. Power of the Purse
44.  26. Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control act of 1974
45.  27. CBO
46.  28. Budget resolution
47.  29. Reconciliation
48.  30. Authorization Bill
49.  31. Appropriations bill
50.  32. Did the 1974 reforms work
51.  33. Continuing Resolutions
52.  34. Gramm-Rudman-Hollings
53. 35. How does ‘democracy’ affect budget?

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

ESSAYS 11 and 12

New and improved HOW TO WRITE AN ESSAY.  We're still doing this as a rough draft.

1) Copy the question.  Put it at the BOTTOM of your post.  
2) Read the question, and determine how many items it is looking for.  ex: IDENTIFY each (Explain); EXPLAIN (1); 
3) Restate the prompt tags (ex, from below, TWO PATTERNS DISPLAYED IN THE GRAPH BELOW ARE…. and ….
4) Give a clarifying example.
5) Double check;  have you been asked to identify things?  Have you?  Have you been asked to explain, or give an example?  Have you?  
6) Find the online RUBRIC with google.  Link to it.  Read it.  Make sure you cover everything in the rubric, in your answer.
7) Publish your rough draft.

(2001_2) the graph above shows reelection rates for incumbents in the House and Senate. From this information and your knowledge of of the US politics, perform the following 
tasks. (Fig 12.1)
a) identify two patterns displayed in the graph
b) identify 2 factors that contribute to incumbency advantage. Explain how each factor contributes to incumbency advantage.
c) Discuss one consequence of incumbency advantage for the US political process

3) Trust and confidence in government have declined in recent decades.
(a) Explain how divided government has contributed to the decline in trust and confidence in government. Be sure to include a definition of divided government in your response
(b) Explain how the increased cost of election campaigns has contributed to the decline in trust and confidence in government.
(c) Explain two specific consequences of the decline in trust and confidence in government for individual political behavior. 

Chapter 13 questions

Chapter 13

you should be through the first 12 pages of the chapter by tuesday.

1. How are Americans of 2 minds regarding the presidency?
2. Anecdote of president?
3. Qualifications for president?
4. Worst president?
5. 22nd amendment?
6. Define impeachement?
7. Watergate?
8. 25th amendment?
9. Should president have been convicted?
10. Summarize powers of the president?
11. Describe expansion of Power of President?
12. Perspectives on presidential power?
13. Imperial presidency?
14. Choice of VP?
15. Spiro Agnew?
16. Cabinet?
17. NSC
18. CEA
19. OMB
20. White house staff.
a. Hierarchical
b. Whell and spokes
21. Summarize first lady
22. Chief Legislator
23. Veto
24. Pocket veto
25. Party bonds
26. Slippage in Party Support
a. Boll weevile
27. boll weevil
28. Leading the party
29. Presidential Coat tails
30. Mid term elections and coat tails (describe table 13.6, 13.7)
31. Public approval
32. Mandate
33. Describe bargaining
34. Role of president as chief diplomat
35. CIC (how has it changed).
36. War Powers resolution
37. Legislative Veto
38. Crisis
39. 2 presidencies.
40. Public Preisiden?
41. Approval rating
42. Honeymoon period

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tuesday, and Political Ads of the day.

You should have read about 15 pages of Chapter 13, and taken notes. This ran in Georgia during the Superbowl.

Friday, February 14, 2014


Happy Friday
 Cool Pics
Finish Ch12 .ppt

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Finish Ch 12 Reading

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

chapter 12 questions

Vladmir Putin is awesome

1. What is our central policymaking branch?
2. What is the most prominent characteristic of a congressperson’s job?
3. Review table 12.1
4. What do Congressmen receive?
5. Requirements to serve?
6. Review and discuss table 12.2
7. Relate 12.2 to elite theory?
8. What group is most underrepresented?
9. Explain the difference between descriptive v. substantive representation?
10. Define Incumbent
11. Most important fact about incumbents?
12. Assess table 12.1. Note 2 important trends.
13. Why more turnover in senate?
14. What are the possible explanations for the encumbency advantage?
15. What are the 3 activities that help incumbents
16. What is the role of advertising?
17. What is credit claiming?
18. What is casework?
19. What is pork barrel?
20. What is the role of position taking?
21. Discuss weak opponents, and campaign spending?
22. Is campaign spending a guarantee of victory?
23. Why should anyone run?
24. What makes incumbents weak?
25. Role of redistricting?
26. Explain the Cartoon on p. 363?
27. Open seats?
28. What are term limitations?
29. Bicameral legislature
30. How/ why is the House more institutionalized?
31. House rules committee? Define. Explain.
32. Diference in senate and house?
33. What is the role of Party Leaders in the Senate?
34. What is a filibuster?
35. Who is strom Thurman?
36. What is cloture?
37. Why not change the rules of the Senate?
38. Def: Speaker of the house?
39. Who is speaker of the house?
40. Powers of the speaker?
41. Majority Leader?
42. Whips?
43. Minority Leader (and who)
44. Senate: 
45. Senate majority leader?
46. Discuss role of congressional leadership?...
47. What do Committees do?
48. What are the 4 types of committees?
49. Define standing, joint, conference and select committees
50. What is a conference committee?
51. What is a select committee?
52. What is legislative oversight?
53. Discuss getting on a committee?
54. Def committee chairs
55. Def. seniority system
56. Wilson said what of Gov of US?
57. What was the 1070’s committee revolt?
58. Caucus
59. GAO
60. CRS
61. CBO
62. Def. Bill?
63. How is a Bill passed to a law?
64. What does it mean to say that presidential leadership in Congress is at the margins?
65. Party influence in voting?
66. Constituency vs. Idology?
67. How many Lobbyists?
68. How much spent?

Friday, February 7, 2014


Because, Puppies

And, more puppies.

And, WOW this is a HUGE meteor.
This guy doesn't care

Thursday, February 6, 2014


We're doing sort of a little miniature annotated bibliography.  Create an MLA format citation for 3 sources.  I am providing you 2.  Then summarize the content of the source. 

Summarize the PBS Frontline on the Meth-a-demic; here is the link to the pbs website, I'd recommend just reading over the transcript:

Here is another, short NPR piece that I think builds upon it.  Please summarize this, as well. 

Now find a THIRD of your choice.  The war on drugs is an incredibly complicated issue that affects law enforcement, legal drug companies, schools, our relationship with other nations, state and local governments, etc.  Staying in our discussion of METH's impact, try to find a particularly interesting article, and make a THIRD annotation.

You will be putting a link to this source and your summary on a google form for peer review.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Tuesday Lesson Plan.

Tuesday Lesson Plan:
1) Work on your Unit 3 test corrections.  Your responses (but not your grade- for privacy) and the key is at the front of the room taped up.  (The key is at the bottom, and says Mr. Smith).  Continue to work on your corrections.  I couldn't email a few of the scores when I regraded them, but I have them on my computer.  See me at lunch if you have questions.

2) If you are confused, work on reading Chapter 12, and taking notes.

3) If you have any questions, see me at lunch.