Friday, September 27, 2013

Obamacare Video Questions

Answer these questions about the ACA/ Obamacare PBS Frontline we watched.
5 points.



Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tuesday. Please Read.

Chapter 2 reading should be done by Wednesday.  I'll look over your notes tomorrow, but not to grade punitively; it's to assess understanding of note taking technique, and make sure that you are progressing adequately.  We're probably going to push the test back a couple days, as I want at least 1 full day to review for the test together.  Keep planning for October 4th with your daily studies, but, we aren't going in a rush.

GIANT Pool of Money. -- Remember, Extra Credit if you share this with your parents, and they Listen to it with you!!!!  The listening guide is up; I'll post the comprehension questions in a day or two; one of them will be: "I pledge that my parents DID listen and/or discuss this podcast with me."  That will get you your 2 points extra credit.

Political Knowledge Quiz:  If you've not already, make your chart of political knowledge, save it as a picture, and one member of your group post it to your blog w/ the list of all those who contributed.  I will help if needed.  Period one, I made it simpler for the other two classes:  Sorry; your grade certainly won't be hurt by it.  Link is below.  And then show your parents the graph that you and your group created.  We'll be doing more.  Here's an example:

And here's the link to the survey results for all students.  Make sure you have the basic understanding of how to collect some information, and make a chart.


Monday, September 23, 2013



Due By Monday, 9/30/13
Listening Guide for "The Giant Pool of Money"
10 points

These are questions for understanding.  I'll post the assignment in a couple days. The assignment will be a google form that you type in answers to 5-10 summary questions that will require a sentence or two.

2 points EXTRA CREDIT if your parent/guardian listens with, and signs a note saying that you have had at the very least, some form of discussion about this event. Parents, I encourage you to drag this conversation out as long as possible, grill your students endlessly, about the details, etc. Or just enjoy it.

The listening guide is time stamped to help you keep pace.  You don't have to answer these questions, but they will be assessed on the google form. Here is the link to the giant pool of money.

The program is 1 hour long.  If you make make some notes as you listen, it will probably take you another 15 minutes or so to do the online "reading quiz."

The Giant Pool Of Money.
1.     What is a ‘sub prime crisis’
2.     What is a NINA loan? And what happened to Clarence?
3.     (6:20)What are the two versions of the story of loans?
4.     And  what is an Imprudent Partnership?
5.     (8:30)What is the Global Pool of Money?
6.     What happened do the pool right around 2000-2006
7.     (10:50)How
8.     (12:00)How did Alan Greenspan affect investment of the GPM. (Giant Pool of money)
9.     (13:45)Why were mortgage loans so attractive
10.   What is the chain
11.   What is a mortgage backed security.
12.   (16:20)Largest Private Mortgage bank in Nevada: Mike Garner: What was his job.
13.   What kind of mortgages did he start buying: What happened in 2003
14.   Stated Income, Verified Asset. What and why is it.
15.   How do you verify the Stated Income?
16.   NIVA, NINA
17.   Why didn’t anyone care about the risk?
18.   What happened to house prices, and what was the flaw.
19.   (23:00)How much was Glen making:
20.   What was he doing.
21.   How did he live.
22.   How did he make his money.
23.   Who designed the computer models, and what was the view.
24.   What are possible foreclosure rates vs. projections.
25.   (29:50)What turned the problem into a Crisis
26.   Were CDO’s safe
27.   What is the issue of seeing homes as an investment?
28.   What happened to income from 2000-2007
29.   (35:10)What do we mean by speculative bubble.
30.   (39:13)What does it mean to be a highly leveraged bank
31.   So what happened to Silverstate mortgage.
32.   (45:25)What about Richard, the former marine?
33.   What about the music: do you like it?
34.   (47:15)What was his stated income on his original loan and what was he really making.
35.   Why did the mortgage broker falsify info.
36.   Was there fraud.
37.   (49:45)Who owns the loan?
38.   How many individual loans was one office running
39.   (51:30) How does the IT guy see lives…
40.   What is the value of AAA mortgage back CDO’s worth
41.   . What is a AAA ranking
42.   (54:30) What happened to the Global pool of money.
43.   What is the goal of the GPM now.
44.   Result?
45.   Can Iceland get loans? Explain?
46.   Effect on Student lending.
47.   Effect on bankruptcy?
48.   . (56:43) What decade do ‘they’ think it will be like

Friday, September 20, 2013

'up doc

2.5 weeks in...
If you're reading this, it means you're checking the blog.   Always a good thing.  I'm very excited about my classes this year -- skills and knowledge seem high, and I'm seeing some interest in the material.

Upcoming events:
Ch 1,2,3 test on about Oct 4.  We'll refine it as we get a little closer.
Are you comfortable with the material?  Check in with me in class if you ever have question.

Creating Discussion:
Mainly for my sleepy first period class, but applies for all.  I want and need y'all to try to participate; ask questions, take the mild risk of making an incorrect answer;  perhaps I'm asking the question wrong-- but I can't know unless you chat a little bit.  Our classes are small enough that the opportunity to chat as an entire group is one to take advantage of:  I am aware that speaking in front of people is scary; we'll keep working on it.

Survey results:
GET THEM INTO THE SPREAD SHEET!!!!!  (email me this weekend if you lost the url, I'll email it back).

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Unit One discussion Questions

--> -->
Citing a specific source in your text. Make a case for staying informed about public affairs. –2-3 clear sentences that you could read aloud.

Pick 2-3 MAJOR events in American history that were ‘shared’ by everyone alive in USA at that time.  Give a little who what when where how.  Go ask someone alive during the time about a memory of it.  How bout now?  What is a “Shared Event” for your peer group. What is the difference.  Why.

In a group.  Pick one of the “functions of government”.  Explain it.  All of the ‘functions’ of government must be covered.  Define the function.  Assess: Is that function being met in America today (this must include your opinion)?  Is it being met adequately/effectively.  Cover all sides of that question (pros/cons).  .  Share with your group.  Attempt to come to consensus as a group.

Describe the components of the policy making system and explain how public policies make their way through the political system.  Examples please.

Explain how majority rule and minority rights are BOTH Important, and create a hypothetical situation where you have majority rule, but no minority rights; and conversely minority rule with no majority rights.

(Group of 4) Pick a democratic theory.  Summarize in a Paragraph.  Give evidence to support your position.  Provide counter-positions to each others’ positions.

Explain how the colonial experience and the Ideas of John Locke influenced the Declaration of Independence.

Discuss how the power in state legislatures changed after the revolution?  How did these changes differ in Northern and Southern states?  What do these changes suggest about the nature of the revolution itself.

Describe the Major features of the Articles of Confederation, and explain why the Articles failed.

What were the personal characteristics of the delegates to the constitutional convention?

What were the basic philosophical views, and how did these views affect the document they ultimately approved.

Describe the founders attitudes towards democracy.  What specific features of the Constitution reflect this sentiment.

Describe some key checks and balanes in the US government as established by the Constitution.  Does this lead to more smooth and efficient government?  Why or why not.

How was the issue of slavery resolved at the Constitutional Convention?  Was this necessary for national survival?  Explain.

Explain the formal method of amending the Constitution.  Give examples of both successful and unsuccessful amendments.

Eplain the significance of the first 10 amendments to the constitution.

Friday, September 13, 2013


Friday: Chapter 1 should be complete.
Here is the LINK for the Pretest Questions.
Here is the Pretest Answer Key LINK.

Please do your best, but if was easy and you already knew all this, there wouldn't be a huge point in taking the course!

When done, start reading/taking notes in Chapter 2.
We will be watching a Frontline about the passage of the ACA/Obamacare law.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

google form, reading.

Note, you need to be done with the reading for chapter 1 by thursday.

I made a "new" sample form and responses for you; but I think it's best if yo learn to make your own...
The student who had a question after first period, I think I have it sorted out...


review questions

1.    Why does Politics and Government matter?
2.    What is a trend about young people and voting?
3.    But what about young people and working in community?
4.    What about the elderly and the political process?
5.    What is the trend about American youth vs Seniors in political knowledge?
6.    Explain relationship between knowledge and participation.
7.    What is the stat about participation in 1996?
8.    Why SHOULD you participate?
9.    Why are youth less informed today?
10.                  How much are presidential elections watched?
11.                  Define Govt?
12.                  What are the 2 fundamental questions about governing?
13.                  What are the 5 functions of government?
14.                  Define public goods?
15.                  Define Politics?
16.                  Define political participation
17.                  Define Single issue groups
18.                  Define policy making system
19.                  Copy, in living color, figure 1.4.
20.                  Define linkage institutions
21.                  Define Policy agenda
22.                  Define political issue
23.                  Define policy making institutions.
24.                  Define Public Policy
25.                  How is inaction a policy
26.                  Global trend in democracy
27.                  Define democracy.
28.                  Did the framers want democracy?
29.                  Define Traditional Democratic Theory
30.                  Majority rule
31.                  Minority Rights
32.                  Representation
33.                  Pluralist theory
34.                  Elite and Class theory
35.                  What is at the center of elite dominance?
36.                  What is hyperpluralism?
37.                  What are the challenges to democracy
38.                  What is increased technical expertise?
39.                  Limited participation in democracy?
40.                  Campaign costs?
41.                  Diverse political interests?
42.                  Policy gridlock?
43.                  Was US originally pro democracy?
44.                  How has it become more of a democracy?
45.                  Explain Liberty
46.                  Egalitarianism
47. Individualism

Friday, September 6, 2013

whats going on

For Monday:
Have the notes through page 10.

For Tuesday:
your 5 quiz questions written and approved.

Chapter one "lecture"

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


We're going to be setting up a BLOG.  Here's a couple tutorials to help.  The first is how to set up a GMAIL account.  You should have access to "google docs" through the district (you just use your summit log on), but when you graduate, that won't do you much good.  This will let you have your own personal google doc account, which will be pretty useful, both today, and in the future.

More relevantly, having a GMAIL account will let you set up a BLOGGER account.  Blogging, collaboration, and peer review are going to be ongoing projects this year.  If for some reason, you can't or won't have an email, or a blog, for whatever reason, just let me know.  We'll sort something out.

When you're done, do a test post.  Write a single paragraph introducing yourself (just something you'd like to share, life goal, where you'd like to travel, what you did this summer, etc).  Then find a classmate, and 'comment' on their post.  I want good, clear writing, and constructive, positive comments.  This will let you figure out if you need to have 'public' comments, or limited comments.

Ask questions of me, and feel free to give me a hard time about my neophyte efforts at creating video instructions.  Welcome to Government.  We're going to have a lot of fun, engage in some great collaborative exercises, and hopefully learn a lot.

And, as you kids say, you're going to "PWN the AP test in May."

AP Government and Politics

Please review the following expectations, and syllabus.
Here is the link to sign off that you have read the Expectations and Syllabus.
This is worth 5 points.

Welcome to Government

Contact Info:
AP US Government and Politics
Instructor: Luke Smith

Dear Student,

Welcome to AP Government.  Please read over these expectations and the syllabus, and follow the link to 'sign-off' that you and your parent guardian have read them.  If you don't have easy access to internet, no problem.  I've got a few hard copies.

The goal of the class is to give you an equivalence of a College Freshman Class in government and Politics.

The course of Study is listed in the Syllabus.

Following is a list of class policies and expectations for all students. Your first assignment is to review the ‘syllabus’ and ‘policies and expectations’ with your parents.

When you are done, sign the googleform indicating that you have read them(or turn in your hard copy).

I’m looking forward to the school year. If either you (the student) or your parents have any questions, please do not hesitate to email.
Attendance. Attendance is required. Students with unexcused absences will not be allowed to make up work.

Tardiness. A student is tardy if they are not in their seat, ready to work, when the bell rings.

Behavior: The classroom is a professional environment. Students are expected to be prompt, to participate, and to be polite and respectful towards each other and towards the teacher.

Class Materials: Just be prepared to read, write, talk.

Late Policy: Late work is not acceptable. Missed tests will be made up as quickly as possible during tutorial period or lunch.

Cheating and Plagiarism: The penalty for cheating or plagiarism is that the work will be marked as a zero. I will also contact the parent or guardian and request a conference.

Electronics Policy: With new iPad's coming in, obviously we will be using some technology.  The policy is as follows -- we will use appropriate technology for school activities.  General social / distracting use of phones/ iPads / computers etc.  will be dealt with appropriately.  Phones and mp3 players will be collected on the spot.  Keeping until lunch, the next day, or a parent conference are the likely outcomes.

Thank you,

Luke Smith

AP US Government

The course uses the following texts.

Government in America (Edwards/ Wattenberg/Lineberry)

Primary Source collections:
Readings in American Government (Woll)

Current Events:
NY Times Online
Bend Bulletin

Daily instruction:
Note taking techniques/ study techniques/ group discussion.
Lecture Discussion on Material (narrated power points available online)
Discussion of Current events
Instruction in analysis of graphs, charts and political cartoons from our textbook.
Assessment (objective multiple choice, subjective FRQ questions)
Review of assessments for better understanding of test taking techniques

Each UNIT has approximately 20 questions per chapter. So, for example Unit ONE is chapters 1,2 and 3, and has a 60 question quiz.  Test corrections for score improvement will be an option.
Each Unit will have one formal writing assignment (this could be small, the value and scope of these will grow over the course of the year)
Each Unit will have smaller interim/formative assessments to teach and assess skills related to the Oregon Government Curriculum Standards, and Common Core Standards for Reading and Writing.
We will take several FULL practice AP Tests over the course of the year.  They will be graded.

Other Assessment includes practice in analyzing and interpreting data and other information relevant to U.S. government and politics, providing questions similar to those found on the AP US government and politics exam. These include assessment of students ability to read graphs, and charts, and political cartoons. Also, students will demonstrate an ability to relate primary source documents to contemporary political questions.

Tests are the bulk of the grade, and represent about 50% of the grade.  Thorough preparation and credit for test corrections should take any fear out of this.

Writing:  Instruction in delivering logical reasonable written responses will be developed.  But just as much or more of our work will be in preparing you to deliver the material for the AP Test for best results.  Approximately 1/4 of the grade.

Other : Projects, presentations, activities.
Approximately 1/4 of the grade.

Chapters and pacing
I Constitutional Underpinnings (5-15%)
4 Weeks

Lineberry 1. Introducing Government in America.
Woll CH 1
• John Locke, Second Treatise, Of Civil Government.
• John P. Roche, The Founding Fathers: A Reform Caucus in Action.

Lineberry 2. The Constitution.
Woll CH 2
• Charles A. Beard, Framing the Constitution.
• James Madison, Federalist 47, 48, 51.
• Laurence H. Tribe and Michael C. Dorf, How Not to Read the Constitution.
• Levine Chapter 1

Lineberry 3. Federalism.
Woll – 2
• Alexander Hamilton, Federalist 16, 17.
• James Madison, Federalist 44.
• James Madison, Federalist 39.
• James Bryce, The Merits of the Federal System.
• McCulloch v. Maryland, 4 Wheaton 316 (1819).
• United States v. Morrison (2000).
• Morton Grodzins, The Federal System.
• David Broder, A Republic Subverted.

II Political Beliefs/Political Behaviors (10-20%)
4 Weeks

Lineberry 6. Public Opinion and Political Action.

Lineberry 9. Nominations and Campaigns.

Lineberry 10. Elections and Voting Behavior.

Woll – 4
• David R. Mayhew, Divided We Govern.
• V.O. Key, Jr., A Theory of Critical Elections.
• Benjamin Ginsberg and Martin Shefter, Politics by Other Means.
• Bernard R. Berelson, Paul F. Lazarsfeld, and William N. McPhee, Democratic Practice and Democratic Theory.
• V.O. Key, Jr., The Responsible Electorate.
• Buckley V. Vaelo 263 424 U.S. (1976).
• Federal Election Commission v. Colorado Republican Federal Campagin Committee (Colorado II).
• Senator Mitch McConnell, et al. v. Federal Election Commission.
• Thomas E. Mann and Norman J. Ornstein, Myths and Realities about the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002.

III Political Parties, Interest Groups, Media (10-20%)
5 Weeks

Lineberry 8. Political Parties.
Woll – 4
• James Madison, Federalist 10.
• E. E. Schattschneider, Party Government.
• California Democratic Party et al. V. Jones, Secretary of State of California, et al. Supreme Court of the United States (2000).
• Report of the Committee of Political Parties, American Political Science Association, Toward a More Responsible Two Party System.
• Martin P. Wattenberg, Perspectives on American Political Parties.

Lineberry 11. Interest Groups.

Woll – 5
• Jeffrey M. Berry, Madison's Dilemma.
• David B. Truman, The Governmental Process.
• Theodore J. Lowi, The End of Liberalism: The Indictment.
• Mark J. Rozell and Clyde Wilcox, Interest Groups and the American Political System.
• Larry J. Sabato, The Misplaced Obsession with PACs.

Lineberry 7. The Mass Media and the Political Agenda.

IV Institutions: Congress, the presidency, bureaucracy, federal Courts (35-45%)
8 Weeks

Lineberry 12. Congress.

Woll – 8
• James Madison, Federalist 53, 56, 57, 58, 62, 63.
• Morris P. Fiorina, The Rise of the Washington Establishment.
• Lawrence C. Dodd, Congress and the Quest for Power.
• Timothy E. Cook, Media Power and Congressional Power.
• Edmund Burke, Speech to the Electors of Bristol.
• Richard F. Fenno, Jr., If, As Ralph Nader Says, Congress Is “The Broken Branch,” How Come We Love Our Congressmen So Much?.
• Nelson W. Polsby, Congress-Bashing for Beginners.
• David R. Mayhew, Congress: The Electoral Connection.
• Richard F. Fenno, Jr., Home Style and Washington Career.

Lineberry 13. The Presidency.
Woll – 6
• Alexander Hamilton, Federalist 70.
• Clinton Rossiter, The Presidency-Focus of Leadership.
• Richard E. Neustadt, Presidential Power.
• Thomas E. Cronin and Michael A. Genovese, Presidential Paradoxes.
• James David Barber, The Presidential Character.
• Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co. v. Sawyer 343 U.S. 579 (1952).
• United States v. Curtiss-Wright Export Corporation 343 U.S. 304 (1936).
• Aaron Wildavsky, The Two Presidencies.
• Sidney M. Milkis, The Presidency and Political Parties.
• Nelson W. Polsby, American Presidential Elections: The Last One and the Next One.

Lineberry 14. The Congress, the President, and the Budget: Politics of Taxing and Spending.

Lineberry 15. The Federal Bureaucracy.

Woll - 7
• Peter Woll, Constitutional Democracy and Bureaucratic Power.
• James Q. Wilson, The Rise of the Bureaucratic State.
Lineberry 16. The Federal Courts.
Woll – 9
• Alexander Hamilton, Federalist 78.
• Marbury v. Madison 1 Cranch 137 (1803).
• John P. Roche, Judicial Self-Restraint.
• Bush v. Gore United States Supreme Court (2000).
• William J. Brennan, Jr., How the Supreme Court Arrives at Decisions.
• Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, Constitutional Liberty and the Right to Abortion.
• Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, Liberty, Privacy, and the Right to Abortion.
• Justice Antonin Scalia, Liberty and Abortion: A Strict Constructionist's View.

V Public Policy, 3 Weeks (5-15%)

Lineberry 17. Economic Policy Making.
Lineberry 18. Social Welfare Policymaking.
Lineberry 19. Policymaking for Healthcare and the Environment.
Lineberry 20. National Security Policy Making.

VI Civil Liberties/Civil Rights 3 Weeks (5-15%)

Lineberry 4. Civil Liberties and Public Policy.
Woll -3
• Antifederalist Paper No. 84 On the Lack of a Bill of Rights.
• James Madison, Before the House of Representatives in 1789 Proposing Amendments to Add a Bill of Rights to the Constitution.
• Gideon v. Wainwright 372 U.S. 335 (1963).
• Oliver Wendall Holmes, The Need to Maintain a Free Marketplace of Ideas.
• New York Times v. Sullivan 376 U.S 254 (1964).

Lineberry 5. Civil Rights and Public Policy.

Woll -3
• Plessy v. Ferguson 163 U.S. 537 (1896).
• Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka 347 U.S. 483 (1954).
• Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka 349 U.S. 294 (1955) .
• Engel v. Vitale 370 U.S. 421 (1962).
• Zelman v. Simmon-Harris Supreme Court of the United States (2002).
• Roe v. Wade 410 U.S. 113 (1973).
• Adarand Constructors, Inc. v. Pena 515 U.S. 200 ( 1995).

morrison luke smith
(c) Morrison Luke Smith