Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Review questions for Chapter 17.

1) Frame the debate over the value and harm caused by large multinational corporations. Must include the following terms: Capitalism, mixed economy, multinational, SEC, minimum wage, union, collective bargaining. WTO, L1-B visa

2) Summarize the GENERAL distinctions between the two parties with regard to the economy. Must include following terms in discussion: Unemployment, inflation, consumer price index, laissez-faire.

3) propose a hypothetical plan to modify the economy. Relevant terms are : Laissez-faire, monetarism/monetary policy, federal reserve, fiscal policy, keynesian, supply side economics, Laffer curve.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

crib sheet for 20

AP GOV Chapter 20 notes
1. Foreign Policy
2. Military
3. Economic
4. New countries
5. UN
6. Security Council
8. EU
9. Multi nationals
10. NGO’s
11. Individuals
12. President’s role
13. Secretary state
14. Foggy Bottom
15. Secretary of Defense
16. Joint Chiefs of Staff
17. NSC –
18. Iran Contra
19. CIA
20. Isolationism
21. Containment doctrince (and end to isolationism)
22. Cold war
23. McCarthyism
24. Military industrial complex
25. Pentagon capitalism
26. Arms race
27. Dien Bien Phu
28. Détente
29. Reagan rearmament
30. SDI
31. War on Terror
32. Discuss figure 20.2
33. Interdependency
34. Tariff
35. Nafta
36. Explain figure 20.4

Saturday, March 16, 2013

OHP vs. Medicaid

OHP is oregon's medicaid.  If you are interested read these articles.  Not being an expert, it appears that Oregon Health Plan is 'medicaid plus.'  Oregon had to get a waiver from the Federal Government to get the OHP.

You can certainly find some articles arguing the efficacy of OHP.  Both sides are defensible.  Please feel free to research.

For the purposes of our class, understand that medicaid is the federal program for low income clients.  That is as far as you need to go.  It is means tested.  OHP is a more experimental program, involving significantly more state involvement, with the effort to incorporate a number of programs.

I think it's really interesting: But for our essays, and tests, let's focus on the following:
Medicare=old people, entitlement
medicaid= means tested (sometimes mistakenly called an entitlement)

Challenges to such care: funding, rising costs, and for medicare, same issues as Social Security.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

crib sheet chapter 19

chapter 19 notes.
Do first 8 pages.
Read next 8 pages (16 total)

1. What is the paradox of US health policy?
2. Describe US health care relative to other nations?
3. Cost of our health care?
4. How might we cut costs?
5. Define HMO
6. Types of health care Americans get?
7. Amount of uninsured?
8. Origin of US health insurance?
9. Relationship of Age and Insurance?
10. Strength of Manged care?
11. Weaknesses of Managed care?
12. Patient’s Bill of Rights
13. Nature of US Health care (public/private).
14. National Health Insurance
15. Medicare
16. Problems of Medicare?
17. Medicaid
18. What is the priority of US health care?
19. AARP and politics of health?
20. Business?
21. Insurance
22. Stemcells
23. Where does gas money go?
24. EPA
25. NEPA
26. EIS
27. CAA of 1970
28. Water Pollution Control Act (1972)
29. Wilderness protection
30. ESA 1973
31. Superfund
32. Energy sources
33. Oil and politics
34. Kyoto

Monday, March 11, 2013

Chapter 18

CHAPTER 18 terms.
Do next 6 pages of material and outline these two essays.

1. Conflicts between Congress and the President over war powers have their origin in the United States Constitution. In 1973 Congress passed the War Powers Resolution in an attempt to clarify the balance of powers between the two branches of government.
(a)  Describe the primary constitutional conflict between Congress and the President over the decision to go to war.
(b)  Describe two provisions of the War Powers Resolution that were designed to limit the President’s power over war making.
(c)  The War Powers Resolution has received mixed reviews, but Congress has other powers over war making. Other than the constitutional power that you described in (a), identify and explain two other formal powers Congress has over war making.

2 The Judicial branch is designed to be more independent of public opinion than are the legislature or the executive.. Yet, the US Supreme Court rarely deviates too far for too long from prevalent public opinion.
(a) Describe two ways in which the United States Supreme Court is insulated from public opinion.
(b) Explain how two factors work to keep the US Supreme Court from deviating too far from public opinion.

1. Premise of 2 income trap
2. The working poor
3. Safety net
4. Survey about your wealth and fortune
5. Social welfare programs
6. Money to non poor
7. Entitlement program
8. Means tested programs
9. Conflict over means tested progras
10. ‘deserving poor’
11. purchasing power of US
12. income gap in us
13. explain table 18.1
14. income distribution
15. income
16. wealth
17. who is rich
18. poverty line
19. pov line for family of 3.
20. Who has experienced a year of poverty
21. Barbara Ehrenreich
22. For whom is poverty more ommon
23. How many Homeless
24. Poverty by race (table 18.2)
25. Feminization of poverty
26. What is the superhighway to poverty
27. Progressive tax
28. Proportional tax
29. Regressive tax
30. EITC
31. Transfer payment
32. Soc. Security Act
33. Marten Gilens
34. Media and ‘race coding’
36. TANF
37. FDR’s goal for policy
38. Change in Ratio of workers to Recipients
39. Social Security Trust fund.
40. Life span and social security

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

chapter 17. do half.

CH 17 Should be through the first 6 pages For Chapter 17.

1. Capitalism
2. Mixed Economy
3. Multinational corporations
4. Walmart Facts related to impact to American and global economy (listed over 3 pages).
5. SEC
6. Minimum wage
7. Labor Union
8. Collective Bargaining
9. Irony of Sam Walton’s autobiography
10. Clinton’s motto
11. Economic conditions and voters’ choice?
12. The Parties views on the economy?
13. 2004 election and economy?
14. Unemployment rate?
15. Discouraged worker?
16. Summarize graph17.1
17. Inflation
18. Consumer Price Index
19. Summarize graph 17.2
20. Laissez-faire
21. Monetary policy
22. Monetarism
23. Federal reserve system
24. Fiscal policy
25. Keynesian economic theory
26. Supply Side Economic
27. Laffer Curve
28. Why is it hard for President’s to control the economy
29. Protectionism
30. WTO
31. L1-B Visa
32. Goals of Business and Public Policy
33. Impact of Corporate corruption
34. Anti trust policy
35. FDA
36. NLRA

Enjoy. Mr. Smith
morrison luke smith
SHS class of 2002